
I am Isaac, a lover of cybersecurity, software development, puzzles, and literature. This is a space for me to catalogue my exploration in these fields.

Below is a resume of sorts detailing my work experiences and awards won. Reach out to me on LinkedIn or Discord (@iscara) for anything.


Centre for Strategic Infocomm Technologies (CSIT) - Full-time Software Engineer
Feb 2023 - Present · 1 year

Fundigo - Freelance Software Engineer
Aug 2022 - Nov 2022 · 4 months

  • Worked on the finance API for purchases, logging, and telemetry.

    • Stripe API
    • FastAPI

GovTech Singapore - Software Engineer Intern
Dec 2021 - Feb 2022 · 3 months

  • Worked at GatherSG developing an application for use in Our Tampines Hub’s integrated Public Service Centre.

    • Typescript React
    • Tailwind CSS
    • MySQL

Datature - Software Engineer Intern
Dec 2020 - Mar 2021 · 4 months

  • Develop an API testing platform for internal testing.

    • Typescript React
    • MongoDB
    • Next.js
    • Recharts

Datature - Machine Learning Engineer Intern
Jan 2020 - Apr 2020 · 4 months

  • Worked on a joint project with LTA analysing and identifying defects in tactile paving tiles in Singapore.

    • Used albumentations and imgaug python libraries to augment image data, experimented with computer vision and data annotations
    • Tensorflow to train models for defect detection, experimented with both DenseNet and RCNN

Awards (2023 and later)